Tuesday, August 23, 2011


So, Why This Blog?
We hope to accomplish two things with this blog.  First, to use it as a public information tool to disseminate information about Recirculating Aquaponics Systems.  I am assuming that if you've found your way to this blog it is because you have interest in our mission of Fresh Local Food and the triple bottom line - Environment - Social Responsibility and Profitable Operations.  Second, to use it to communicate with our team and supporters around the world.

We see Aquaponics as a Food Security issue in addition to a commercially attractive alternative to large scale Agribiz!  We are Capitalist rebels with a cause.  That cause is to provide sustainable and responsible market driven solutions to the problems facing our country, our continent, and our planet.  it all starts with FOOD and WATER.

Here's where we start.  To paraphrase Winston Churchill,  this is not the beginning.  It is not the end, but it is, perhaps,  the end of the beginning.  You can find our website at www.familyfishfarms.com  Links to Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin will be up here shortly.

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